Brant Hydraulicsは、特定の用途に合わせて、さまざまなタイプの油圧関連の試験装置をカスタマイズできます。過去数年間、Brant Hydraulicsは、MTS Systemsなどの世界的に認められた企業を含む、世界中のテストラボおよび企業と緊密に連携してきました。
For the projects we have done before include: damper seismic / shocking control, damper testing machines, damper testing systems, shaking tables, various types of stimulators, servo valve testing equipment, pseudo-dynamic test systems, multi-axial testing systems, shear testing machines, concrete testing system, material testing equipment, tensile strength testing equipment, or every other testing needs.
We can customize your testing equipment base on your industry and provide a complete solution to you. Some of the common industries use like: aerospace, biomedical, civil engineering, energy, ground vehicles, industrial manufacturing, military industry, and more.