邦特液壓是宜蘭法吉歐里制震豪宅的阻尼器(FVD) 及阻尼系統 的唯一指定製造商.
We are the sole seismic shocking damping control Fluid Viscous Dampers (FVD) and damping system provider for the Fazioli apartment buildings construction project in Taiwan.

因為邦特的優良, 豐富的制震經驗及嚴格的品質把關, 使我們從世界多家制震製造商中脫引而出. 讓邦特成為您在台灣制震阻尼器及制震系統產業選用上的最佳選擇.
邦特及其北美制震團隊規劃整個法吉歐里建案. 我們針對整個建築結構進行整體的制震分析, 阻尼器設計, 阻尼器測試, 阻尼器效能分析, 及建築物地震模擬測試, 以量身打造出最完整及最適合的制震方案.
Because of Brant’s rich hydraulic experiences, strict construction quality control systems, and delicate damper & damping system testing equipment, we are able to stand-out among all the leading foreign brands, making us the top shock-absorbing dampers and damping system choice and brand in Taiwan.
From the beginning, Brant Hydraulics work with North America shock absorbing damper specialist in assessing the whole project. We did a full dampers and damping system designs, analysis, functional tests and the final evaluation of the dampers seismic performance and earthquake simulation on the construction structure in order to come out with a complete and satisfied solution for Fazioli.

法吉歐里制震豪宅選用最新一代非線性制震阻尼器及其阻尼制震系統應用, 符合業界最高7級規格制震. 實際制震效果遠超過法定規範, 使法吉歐里制震豪宅成為豪宅界裡最堅固及最安全的建案之一.
This project integrated the new non-linear dampers and damping system applications to the highest Seismic Resistance Design Grade 7, which is the highest construction resistance design possible. The seismic performance is way beyond the regulations stated by the law, making Fazioli the highest grade of seismic resistance, the strongest and safest construction building to withstand earthquakes.

邦特液壓有著美國太空總署NASA的DNA在我們的血液裡, 也是台灣唯一有能力能夠外銷阻尼器至北美的廠商. 我們成功完成多項大型工程建案, 包括摩天大樓, 公共工程建築, 難度皆不亞於台北101. 從最初的設計概念到最後的完工, 邦特有絕對能力能夠打造出各型式, 適合您建築的阻尼器及阻尼系統.
With the DNA from NASA, we are the first company to supply hydraulic dampers and damping systems to the North America. Also, we executed several major civil constructions, skyscrapers, infrastructure projects, same level as the Taipei 101. From concept to reality, from dampers to damping systems, we can build all types of custom designed, high quality dampers and damping systems for you.