Recently Brant Hydralics has just made another miniature shaking table for Civil Engineering of National Taiwan University
A custom-made miniature shaking table fabricate for Dept. of Civil Engineering of National Taiwan University, with computer controller (MTS Flex test )to simulate ground motions from the shaking table to verify seismic performance The testing initially start from low frequency to high frequency.
Mounted MTS Servo Hydraulic Cylinder and use HSM (Hydraulic Service Manifolds) for testing ,which conducted by senior engineer of ours . who can observe shaking status at different level of shaking scale from the screen. Video is available, please refer to section of media center for further understanding.
Many successful service intergration projects have been put into effect like we collaborated with National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering ,National Chiao Tung University and National Kaohsiung University of Science & Technology, etc...